Autograph Perfection Distilled Gin 43% 750ml
The taste of this gin is more harmonious and fresh. It elegantly combines the freshness of the ingredients used with spicy strong aromas. The handmade ingredients are originally like South Africa. A great gin that will go down well in any bar.
- An exciting game between tart and fruity aromas
- Nose shows aromas of the special African botanicals
- Perfectly reflects the richness of this gin
Item Volume in ml
Serving Instructions
Serve at room temperature.
Contains 43% Alcohol by Volume |
Size: 750ml | Average Qty per 50ml |
Calories: 96 | Carbohydrates: 0g |
Protein: 0g | Fat: 0g |
Aromas of juniper, wild rosemary, confetti bush, african bush, african wormwood and citrus buchu. | Gin |