Deep South Cape Dry Gin 43% 200ml
The Cape Dry Gin is a beautifully balanced, juniper-forward gin made in a classic dry gin style, but with additional botanicals grown and harvested in the Cape Peninsula. These mountain buchus add lovely herbal and floral aromas and flavours. Aroma: Bright pine and lemon scents underscored by soft herbaceous fynbos and a surprising hint of sweet spice. Palate: Displays across the full juniper spectrum with sweet candied citrus and floral herb complexity from the mountain buchu. Finish: Sweet honeybush and a hint of pine forest woodiness. Botanicals: The Cape Dry contains a carefully balanced blend of juniper, coriander, angelica root, honeybush, cardamom, lemon peel and mountain buchus (Agathosma sp). Comes in 200ml.
- A beautifully balanced, juniper-forward gin
- Made in a classic dry gin style
- Balanced blend of juniper, coriander, angelica root, honeybush, cardamom etc
- With sweet candied citrus and floral herb complexity
- Finish: sweet honeybush and a hint of pine forest woodiness
Item Volume in ml
Serving Instructions
Serve at room temperature.
Contains 43% Alcohol by Volume |
Size: 750ml | Average Qty per 50ml |
Calories: 96 | Carbohydrates: 0g |
Protein: 0g | Fat: 0g |