Deep South Ruby Gin 43% 750ml
Ruby is a flavourful aromatic gin made in a contemporary floral style. Heady scents of rose and lavender blend with the deeper, darker fruity notes of honeybush lifted by the exotic scent of hibiscus. The colour is derived from an infusion with hibiscus flowers. This is a gin that invites exploration and is superb with flavoured tonics and abundant fruit for delicious cocktails with a contemporary style.
Aroma: Top notes of rose and citrus on a scented herbaceous lavender background, spiked with sweet spice. Palate: Juniper and lavender combine on the mid-palate, encased in Turkish Delight flavours from the pelargonium. Complexity and density provided by the honeybush and spices. Finish: Deep berry jam and fynbos linger with sweet spice and persistent lavender. Botanicals: Ruby Gin contains juniper, coriander, angelica root, honeybush, lemon peel, orris root, cassia bark, lavender, elderberry, hibiscus and rose pelargonium. Comes in 200ml.
- Ruby is a flavourful aromatic gin made in a contemporary floral style
- Heady scents of rose and lavender blend
- Colour is derived from an infusion with hibiscus flowers
- Gin that invites exploration and is superb with flavoured tonics
- Top notes of rose and citrus on a scented herbaceous lavender background
Item Volume in ml
Serving Instructions
Serve at room temperature.
Contains 43% Alcohol by Volume |
Size: 750ml | Average Qty per 50ml |
Calories: 96 | Carbohydrates: 0g |
Protein: 0g | Fat: 0g |