Gift Pack John Ross The Pioneer, The Mary & The Herbarium Gin 0% 3 x 750ml
John Ross The Pioneer Gin 0% 750ml
John Ross The Pioneer is virgin distilled botanicals are blended to create a classic non-alcoholic gin, infused with honeybush tannin. Experience a delightful essence of juniper and honeybush. The best ingredients were selected and blended for you to simply sit back and enjoy every precious moment with friends and family. The classic Juniper bouquet is supported by citrus notes and makes for a complex flavour profile.
- Classic non-alcoholic gin infused with honeybush tannin
- Naturally distilled essence of jupiter, rose, lavender, angelica root, lime
- With a refreshing taste and aroma
John Ross The Mary 0% 750ml
The Mary with Rose Geranium and Fynbos; the beautiful colour is as a result of using natural anthocaynin pigment. The classic rose water almost Turkish delight bouquet is supported by the juniper and funbos characters and makes for a floral driven, yet complex experience. This is a very refreshing combination with the tonic water of your choice. A sophisticated adult alternative for the non-alcoholic consumer.
John Ross The Herbarium Gin 0% 750ml
The Herbarium, Virgin Distilled Botanicals made with Rosemary and Sage. With the subtle green colour notes makes for a herbaceous drink with all the plant based characteristics you you would expect. This with a Indian or Citrus forward tonic water makes for a refreshing drink. A sophisticated and adult alternative for the non-alcohol consumer. How to serve - A cold wine glass, add ice, (the larger the ice cubes the better) add some John Ross (50ml) and squeeze a lemon wedge over the ice, drop into the glass with an Indian or Citrus forward tonic, and simply enjoy.
Serving Instructions
Take a cold wine glass (or glass of choice). Add ice, the larger the cubes the better. Add John Ross (50ml) and squeeze a lemon wedge over the ice and drop it into the glass. Add ice cold Indian tonic water and squeeze another lemon wedge & drop it in the glass, stir briefly.
Sit back & enjoy!