Six Dogs Honey Lime Gin 43% 750ml
An irresistible combination of farm honey, home-grown limes and the finest botanical spirit. Classic notes of juniper, coriander and the earthy tones of angelica, complemented by a bite of zesty limes and a subtle infusion of honey to soften and sweeten the overall taste.
This delectable drink is the result of a sustainability project that began when a bee conservation company, Bee Smiths, approached Six Dogs Distillery to relocate distressed bees to the farm on which the distillery is situated. Their new home, found on the intersection of the Fynbos and Karoo biomes, proved to be the ideal location for the bees.
Item Volume in ml
Perfect Serve
Enjoy with good Indian tonic and ice. Garnish with a lime wedge or grapefruit peel and pink peppercorns for a bright pop of colour.
ontains 43% Alcohol by Volume |
Size: 750ml | Average Qty per 50ml |
Calories: 96 | Carbohydrates: 0g |
Protein: 0g | Fat: 0g |