Six Dogs Stained Pinotage Gin 43% 750ml
Six Dogs Stained Pinotage gin is distilled in small batches through generous quantities of juniper and fresh citrus. It is then placed in tanks together with handpicked pinotage grapes to allow the gin to extract the deep red essence of this truly South African cultivar. Enjoy with friends and family and celebrate each day as if it were an anniversary.
- Distilled in small batches through generous quantities of juniper and fresh citrus
- Made from finest quality ingredients
- Enjoy with friends and family and celebrate each day as if it were an anniversary
Item Volume in ml
Serving Instructions
Serve at room temperature.
ontains 43% Alcohol by Volume |
Size: 750ml | Average Qty per 50ml |
Calories: 96 | Carbohydrates: 0g |
Protein: 0g | Fat: 0g |